Reiki tsm A new dimension of practice

Reiki tsm: FAQ

Q. If this teaching already exists in the Usui System, why have I not heard of it before?
I am not entirely surprised that others have not been led on the same or a similar path into the symbol practice as I describe in these pages. The discovery process would appear to require a specific mindset, non linear, visually oriented and adaptive. Reiki tsm is, until proven otherwise, an original and innovative exploration and expression of the treatment and symbol practice.
Q. Is Reiki tsm a new Reiki form?
No. Reiki tsm is not a new form of practice. The tsm process and what it offers is applicable to most forms of reiki practice that are recognisable derivates of the system founded by Mikao Usui. This includes both 'Western' and 'Japanese' forms. No form of practice owns it, and it is available for everyone to explore. Reiki tsm is a specific and non traditional way to access a currently unrecognised understanding and interaction with the Usui System.

Reiki tsm does, however, lead into different understandings and 'world view' than is commonly associated with the Reiki practice.
Q. Is Reiki tsm recognised by Lineage Bearers and Founders of different forms of practice?
Reiki tsm is not limited to a specific form of practice. Nor does tsm need 'recognition' from an authority to be a reality. The path that I am calling Reiki tsm already exists in most Usui System forms. One possibility is that the Reiki tsm experience may lead to a realization of the common thread linking different forms of practice, all paths potentially leading to the same 'destination'.
Q. Is Reiki tsm only for Reiki Masters?
No. Reikitsm has it basis in first degree practice. The concepts of Reiki tsm related to second degree practice are an additional overlay to the practice.
Q. I have already taken first and second degree. Do I need to take Reiki tsm?
There is no 'need' to do anything. Not everyone will choose to explore this way of practice. The existing way of practice is not wrong or without merit, and is the foundation necessary for the overlay of Reiki tsm. The ways of Reiki tsm are a choice, a calling to discover the mystery nature of who and what we are as human beings, individually and collectively.
Q. What are the benefits of Reiki tsm?
My personal experience is that Reiki tsm awakened awarenesses, understandings and experiences of the practice that I never anticipated. My 'in the moment' conscious awareness and understanding of all aspects of the practice continues to develop. A daily personal practice however, remains as the foundation of the experience.
Q. Is Reiki tsm a free teaching?
The long answer is that everyone is free to do as I did, to unpick the tangled threads of the practice, to discover where the practice leads for themselves. An outline of these steps is included on this site. My extension programme serves only to refine the process. There is a small and reasonable fee for my guidance and personal time.
Q. Is Reiki tsm easy to learn?
Reiki tsm is not an academic learning process. Learning to see the same things with different eyes, to undo accustomed patterns of thinking, is key to the process. The instructional aspect of the extension programme is very simple and basic. What is taught will require adjustments in understandings about the practice as received in its standard form. A process of natural integration is to be expected. How long it takes will be uniquely personal.
Q. Will Reiki tsm be available online?
The content of what I am calling 'module one' is able to be delivered on-line. Module two has been proven only in a face to face situation.
Q. Is a certificate awarded on completion?
As Reiki tsm is an extension to a level of practice that is already certified as completed, another certificate is not considered necessary.
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Change Date - 23/11/2023

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